Wearable skin vibration sensor

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Project members:  M2長谷川達也,B4鬼頭勇気


We applied a wearable skin vibration sensor and created a haptic sharing system. This is a system that allows multiple people to feel tactile in real time with a transducer when someone with a sensor touch an object.
In the field of tactile sense, research has not progressed much as compared to visual and auditory sense. You can record as visual and auditory, but you cannot record tactile sensations. Therefore, by using the wearable skin vibration sensor, we aim to elucidate the tactile sense by recording the vibration of the skin when touching the object.
In the field of rehabilitation, we use haptic device sharing devices and develop prosthetic hands with haptic functions.

Thus, there is a possibility that it can be applied to various fields in tactile sense.



Wearable Skin Vibration Sensor Using a PVDF Film        2015 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 田中先生

Tactile Display Based on Skin-Propagated Vibration  Asia Haptics 2016 長谷川

中間柔軟物による振動伝搬の遮断効果                SI 2017 鬼頭

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